Serious question: Why isn’t religious hypocrisy used more often against the opponents to same sex marriage?

For the last couple months, I've been writing the occasional post - titled #Biblebuffet - indicating the hypocrisy of people who oppose same sex marriage for religious reasons.If you use…

Continue ReadingSerious question: Why isn’t religious hypocrisy used more often against the opponents to same sex marriage?

After almost getting my wife nothing on Mother’s Day, it turns out that I gave her a lot. The list is extraordinary.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms of the world, and especially my wife, Elysha, the best mother I have ever known. Please remember, mothers, that Mother's Day has an apostrophe,…

Continue ReadingAfter almost getting my wife nothing on Mother’s Day, it turns out that I gave her a lot. The list is extraordinary.

The reverse nap. The Trump nomination. Female eligibility in the military draft. People thought I was crazy all three times. Now I get to say those four glorious words.

In October of 2012, I wrote about the reverse nap, a self-described practice in which I get up in the middle of the night, work for an hour or two,…

Continue ReadingThe reverse nap. The Trump nomination. Female eligibility in the military draft. People thought I was crazy all three times. Now I get to say those four glorious words.