Four pieces of debate advice for Hillary Clinton. Someone please pass this post onto her people.

It demonstrates Trump-level hubris to suppose that I might have something to say about Hillary Clinton's performance during the debate last night, but at the risk of sounding a little…

Continue ReadingFour pieces of debate advice for Hillary Clinton. Someone please pass this post onto her people.

Unfair assumption: The more you have on your business card, the less I think about your professional ability

When you hand me your business card, I expect to see your name and your contact information.That's it. That is the purpose of a business card. It serves as a…

Continue ReadingUnfair assumption: The more you have on your business card, the less I think about your professional ability

The first person to listen to my nonsense and predict that I would be a writer has passed away

My former high school vice principal and Toll Gate principal Stephen Chrabaszcz passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday.I am so saddened over this news.From the Providence Journal: “Those who knew him…

Continue ReadingThe first person to listen to my nonsense and predict that I would be a writer has passed away