Increased degree of difficulty is not appreciated
Writing a novel is hard enough. I really don't need this added nonsense.
Writing a novel is hard enough. I really don't need this added nonsense.
Twelve years ago, the world was without these 15 technologies. It was truly a different world not that long ago.iPhoneiPadKindleYouTubeUberPodcastsAirbnbAndroidGoogle MapsSpotifyMobile weather applicationsInstagramSlackSpotifyEvernoteSnapchatNestOculus
My great Uncle Harry passed away this week. Yes, his name was Harry Dicks. Not even Harold Dicks. Straight up Harry. Growing up, I lived next door to Uncle Harry. He lived…
PERSONAL HEALTH1. Don’t die.Not even close to death this month. 2. Lose 20 pounds.I gained two pounds in May, mostly due to a schedule that kept me from the gym, bringing the…
I got in a fight with my ophthalmologist. More of a tiff, really.I hadn't been to an ophthalmologist in 20 years. The last time I went, I was given a pair…
I wore a suit last week for a formal affair.No tie, of course. I don't strap decorative nooses around my neck anymore, but dress pants, matching jacket, and button-down shirt,…
There are two types of decision-makers in this world: Satisficers make a decision once their minimum criteria are met. As soon as they find a hotel or ice cream or…
Behold. The White House published this photograph of First Lady Melania Trump and the other spouses of NATO leaders at the Royal Castle of Laeken in Brussels during the recent NATO…
Cats are smart. So damn smart. This is Tobi, one of our two new cats, cuddling with my kids and with his brother, Pluto. In my son's case, he was sick at…
I was explaining to someone how my constant push to accomplish more, do more, and succeed more is the result of my belief that I am always and forever standing…