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Tony Hawk’s ER visits vs. my ER visits

During an interview on the podcast Smartless, skateboarder Tony Hawk said that he’s been to the emergency room at least 15 times. I thought, “I think I have that beat.” I was right. Many of those trips were made in the back of an ambulance.  At least seven, including two since I’ve been married to…

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My immunization record and the good old days

I can’t help but wonder… When my mother was getting me vaccinated and recording those vaccinations in my baby book 50 years ago, do you think she was behaving like a whiney, stupid jackass? Do you think that she was outraged over the denial of my Constitutionally protected American freedom? Was she angry over the…

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Speak Up at the Hill-Stead Museum

Last night Elysha and I produced our first live Speak Up storytelling show since February of 2020. It was an outdoor show on the beautiful front lawn of  The Hill-stead Museum in Farmington, Connecticut. As the sun slowly dipped below the horizon, our audience of more than 200 people listened to stories about birthing unicorns,…

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My very first stage, I think.

While visiting Yawgoog Scout Reservation during Alumni Day, I took my family into the Sandy Beach dining hall, where I spent many a summer day eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It’s been a long time since I set foot in this dining hall, but as soon as I saw the stage, my mind was suddenly…

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Make sentences interesting all the way through

I’m listening to NPR report on a series of intense thunderstorm that had passed through the area last week. The broadcaster says that strong winds have knocked down trees and power lines. “More than 10,000 residents were left without power.” I hate that sentence. It clangs in my head when I hear it. Do you…

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Obscenity from the office of the Utah governor

Utah Governor Spencer Cox received a letter last week from an angry constituent who argues that his last name is obscene and should be changed immediately. “Us decent people here in Utah will not stand for it. The honorable Republican party will not stand for it.” The person threatens protest and a recall vote. “This…

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Love you, too

I’d like you to watch this. Ernie Johnson is a sportscaster in TNT who works with NBA greats Charles Barkley, Shaquille O’Neal, and Kenny Smith. Earlier this week, he was asked by coach Nick Saban of the University of Alabama to speak to his players. I think it’s the kind of thing we all need…

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Where you lives matters more than ever before

Your quality of life in the United States, in many ways, is often dictated by where you live, but the pandemic has made this true like never before.   Of all current COVID-19 hospitalizations in the US, eight states’ combined totals make up 51% of all patients, even though those states account for only 24%…

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“God will never give you more than you can handle” is bunk

Last week, I heard an unvaccinated man at the Sturgis motorcycle rally tell a reporter that if it’s his time to die, he is more than willing to accept his fate. He may also infect several people along the way and occupy an ICU bed needed by a mother of eight who is battling cancer,…

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Feeling good about cats

I believe in being kind to yourself. Celebrating achievements. Honoring sacrifices. Telling yourself that you’ve done a great job. When I see our boys, Tobi and Pluto, sitting together like this, I give myself an enormous pat on the back. I remind myself of how much good we have done for this world. Tobi and…

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