Great news, greater advice, and a cage
Today I offer you a bit of followup on previous posts.First, and I think most important, is a comment that my friend, John, left on my blog yesterday. I met…
Today I offer you a bit of followup on previous posts.First, and I think most important, is a comment that my friend, John, left on my blog yesterday. I met…
As snow was falling last week and the roads were getting white and slick, I stepped out of my car and into the gym for a work out. The gym…
Madame CJ Walker is credited as the first woman in America to become a self-made millionaire. Unlike the President, who started his career with tens of millions of dollars of…
So many times in my life, I see something clever, brilliant, or truly inspired, and I think to myself, “Why didn’t I think of that?”Just last week, the trailer dropped…
On episode #37 of the Speak Up Storytelling podcast, Elysha Dicks and I talk storytelling along with storyteller and guest host Steve Brouse! In our followup segment, we talk about how…
We had our first snow day last week. A glorious, slightly unexpected day off.Many teachers hate snow days, knowing how each one eats into our summer vacations.A day off in…
Yesterday was an especially delightful today for me. It was my birthday, and the gifts that I were given were brilliant. It started off in the morning with Elysha. Her…
I both love and hate this little meme. I love the idea that I am leveling up today. Level 48. Yes, that’s badass. Severely badass.I’m leveling up today. But you’re…
It’s Valentine’s Day. I know that a great number of people can’t stand Valentine’s Day. They reject it as a fabricated, commercialized Hallmark holidayThey protest the inflated flower prices and…
Here’s a simple test to determine the intelligence of a small child:Pry open a large binder clip. Ask a child to put their finger in the binder clip.If the child…