Get Storyworthy for less than a dollar!
I am excited to announce that Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life Through the Power of Storytelling is being featured in a special 99-cent Autumn eBook Sale, which…
I am excited to announce that Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life Through the Power of Storytelling is being featured in a special 99-cent Autumn eBook Sale, which…
Fear not, friends. Recent tweets within the last 24 hours show that the President knows exactly what this country needs and has solutions to all of our problems. For example,…
On episode #25 of the Speak Up Storytelling podcast, Matthew and Elysha Dicks are joined by storyteller Danielle Dnes to talk storytelling!In our followup segment, we talk about upcoming Speak…
Yesterday I wrote about my unusual Uber ride from the Jacksonville airport to Amelia Island. In response to that post, friends and reader commented on how often I seem to…
I spent about 45 minutes in the back of an Uber last night on the road between Jacksonville International Airport and Amelia Island. It was almost 2:00 AM when I…
When I asked how her day went, my 10 year-old daughter, Clara, said she had a little trouble at recess.“Yeah,” I said. “What happened?”“Well,” she began. “We were playing house,…
I know what you’re thinking. There’s no cuter cat in the world. Right? I thought that, too, until I came downstairs this morning and found the kitchen sink running.“Damn kids,”…
Early Sunday morning. I’m sitting at the table, working on my next book. Springsteen is playing on the Amazon Echo. Brilliant Disguise at the moment. One of my favorites of…
It’s Election Day. One of my favorite days of the year. Today I will be going to the polls and casting my vote not for myself but for people in…
On episode #24 of the Speak Up Storytelling podcast, Elysha Dicks and I talk storytelling!In our followup segment, we talk about upcoming Speak Up shows and messages received from listeners…