The demographics of the Republican Party are astounding.
There are currently 278 Republicans in both the House and Senate. Every single one of them is a Christian. Just 23 are women. There is one African-American. That African-American, Tim…
There are currently 278 Republicans in both the House and Senate. Every single one of them is a Christian. Just 23 are women. There is one African-American. That African-American, Tim…
These two sentences exist on the Internet. Not ironically or comedically, but with all the sincerity and earnestness that the comment implies. I can’t tell you how happy I am…
My daughter woke up at 5:45 this morning. Sirens from nearby fire engines and police cars woke her up. After checking in on her mother and finding her asleep and…
If you’ve never noticed it, you will now. It’s everywhere. The word ‘Mens,’ absent an apostrophe, indicating a restroom for the male persuasion. It looks ridiculous. Right? ‘Men’ is already…
I don’t care if it’s the culture of the game. I don’t care if teammates are depending upon the retaliation for their own protection. I don’t care if the manager…
My daughter refers to mowing the lawn as a “Daddy job.” Her mother agrees. My hope is that my son’s interest in the lawn mower is just as strong when…
Years ago, I wrote a poem about the value of a cardboard box. It was based upon an afternoon that I spent with my childhood friend, David. The poem…
My five year-old daughter’s declaration to me: “Daddy, I’m a person, and that means I can say whatever I want. Anything. Whenever I want.” Nothing was said to incite this…
No, not the Tea Party that includes Oklahoma State House candidate Scott Esk, who endorsed stoning gay people to death via his Facebook page. This was a kinder, gentler, more…
When it comes to music, I have always been a lyric person. I pay attention to the words. I pay close attention to the words. I don’t understand brides who…