Speak Up storytelling: Risa Sugarman
Our next Speak Up storytelling event is on Saturday, May 17th at Real Art Ways in Hartford. Doors open at 7:00 PM. The show begins promptly at 8:00 PM. There…
Our next Speak Up storytelling event is on Saturday, May 17th at Real Art Ways in Hartford. Doors open at 7:00 PM. The show begins promptly at 8:00 PM. There…
My wife says I have an excellent memory. I’ve never thought so, but it’s true that I can lock a story into my mind and manipulate it onstage without much…
Our next Speak Up storytelling event is on Saturday, May 17h at Real Art Ways in Hartford. Doors open at 7:00 PM. The show begins promptly at 8:00 PM. There…
It is brilliant. Hilarious. And somehow slightly philosophical.
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, my students presented me with a gift on Friday. The first was a PowerPoint presentation that explained why I was an excellent teacher. It…
I do not enjoy the NFL draft. Even though I’m an enormous fan of the Patriots and the National Football League, the endless predictions and prognostications leading up to the…
Our next Speak Up storytelling event is on Saturday, May 17th at Real Art Ways in Hartford. Doors open at 7:00 PM. The show begins promptly at 8:00 PM. There…
Our next Speak Up storytelling event is on Saturday, May 17th at Real Art Ways in Hartford. Doors open at 7:00 PM. The show begins promptly at 8:00 PM. There…
I read Goodnight Moon (and most other children’s books) for the first time with my daughter, who immediately fell in love with the story, as much children do. Now she…
A 13-year study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology has revealed that if you take naps during the day, you are more likely to die sooner than those who…