Clara enjoyed her very first manicure last weekend as a part of her friend’s birthday party.
Only I’m not sure if she actually enjoyed it. When she arrived home, she told me that she didn’t want anyone to see her nails until the paint came off. She was even reticent to show them to me.
If this reticence for manicures persists, it will actually work in her favor in the long run. Just think of the thousands of dollars and hours that she will save over the course of her lifetime by avoiding the process of paying someone to apply oddly-named paint to her nails, only to be disappointed by the person’s craftsmanship or by the chipping of paint that will inevitably happen about nine seconds later.
She will be free at all times to carry cardboard boxes, toss a football, punch a speed bag, push a car into the breakdown lane, climb a tree, or push a couch across the room, absent of the concern over chipping or breaking her ornamented fingertips.
The time and money saved alone will give her a leg up on her female competitors.
The advantages are endless.
I think Clara is onto something.