Speak Up storyteller: Cara Paiuk

Our next Speak Up storytelling event is on Saturday, January 18, at 8:00 at Real Art Ways in Hartford.

Tickets can be purchased online here or purchased at the door, provided that we don’t sell out prior to Saturday.

This week we introduce you to the storytellers who you will be hearing from on Saturday night.

Hope to see you there!

Cara Paiuk grew up in Canada where she had a Candy Crush — dreams of Jolly Ranchers and 100 Grand bars led her to move to the US. She left corporate America a few years ago to pursue more creative endeavors. Cara has since been published on The NY Times, Huffington Post, CT-Moms, Kveller and many others. Her obsession with photography is her new endeavor and she also runs a food company (nuttycow.com) with her husband.

If that doesn’t give her enough to talk about, ask about her three-year-old son and twin baby daughters and she will never shut up. Cara is doing her part to keep redheads from going extinct; she and her husband are both gingers and together they have three of the reddest redhead children you’ll ever see.

Due to her an irrational (yet extremely common) fear of public speaking, Cara has not given a public speech in twelve years. Wish her luck.


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