Another Christmas and another outstanding haul of gifts from my amazing wife, who understands me so well.
Some people wish for cashmere sweaters, brand new video game systems, stylish watches and jewelry. My hope is often for the least pretentious, most unexpected, quirkiest little gift possible, and she never fails to deliver.
For the past four years, I’ve been documenting the gifts that Elysha gives me on Christmas because they are so damn good. Every year has been just as good as the last, if not better.
For point of reference:
This year was just as good.
In case you can’t tell from the photograph, my collection of gifts from this year includes:
- A remote controlled helicopter (the #1 item on the 2013 Matthew Dicks Holiday Gift Guide, which I have yet to be able to fly without crashing, and which my 18 month-old son keeps trying to take away from me. whenever he sees it.
- A rubber moose with an orange nose that can be shot across the room at an unsuspecting target
- Superman Band-Aids
- An 11 function survival tool (apocalypse preparation device)
- A book entitled Now I Know: Revealing Stories Behind the Worlds Most Interesting Facts. The back of the book reads:
“…the ultimate challenge for any know-it-all who thinks they have noting left to learn.”
I’m not sure if she’s trying to tell me something.
- A pin. The perfect pin, really:
- A small bag of blue candy with a fantastic marketing plan (and from an Etsy seller in New Mexico, no less):