Speak Up storyteller: Rachel Leventhal-Weiner

Less than a month to go before our inaugural Speak Up storytelling event at Real Art Ways in Hartford, CT.
May 4 at 7:00 PM. Admission is free.


Today I’m proud to introduce our third storyteller, Rachel Leventhal-Weiner.

Rachel Leventhal-Weiner

Rachel Leventhal-Weiner is a sociologist mom living in West Hartford. A native of New Jersey, Rachel has been writing creative stories since she was a little girl, but is only now braving the stage to share a personal account of her own life.

By day, Rachel divides her time between her doctoral dissertation project in sociology at the University of Connecticut and teaching in the Educational Studies Program at Trinity College. Though the smallish feel of the liberal arts environment is a far cry from her Rutgers University roots, she enjoys connecting with her undergraduate students and getting more involved in Hartford Public Schools as a part of the Ed Studies Program.

By afternoon, evening, and weekend, you can find Rachel filling every minute with adventures with family and friends. She is the mother of two exuberant little girls who keep her on her toes. She loves to cook most things from scratch, wishes she had more time to crochet, and is never going to give up on her dream of running a (half) marathon. She loves a good hike, a great cocktail, and time with her incredible husband, David.

Rachel spends her “free” time sipping on coffee at Hartford Baking Company while writing scholarly papers and blogging at www.roguecheerios.com.
