Statistically speaking, am I the best husband and father of all time? And should I make my wife aware of these favorable numbers?

From a recent Wall Street Journal piece entitled Are Dads the New Moms? :

A recent U.S. Census Bureau report found that 32% of fathers with working wives routinely care for their children under age 15, up from 26% in 2002.

A few thoughts on this statistic:

  1. What the hell are the other 68% of fathers doing? Am I really supposed to believe that in the majority of these homes, both parents are working but only the mother is routinely caring for the children?
  2. What do these same statistics look like for husbands whose wives aren’t working? If only 32% of fathers with working wives routinely care for their children, I can’t imagine what the number might be when the wife’s primary role is child care.
  3. Does golf play a role in these statistics, because if that’s the case, it’s slightly more understandable.
  4. Could I be one of the only working fathers with a non-working wife who routinely cares for his children?
  5. Does my wife know how lucky she is to have one of the few fathers who routinely cares for his children?
  6. Most important, how often can I remind her of this fact without turning this positive into a negative?