In need of an alibi?

I can’t help but be impressed by this service, as distasteful as it may be.
The Alibi Network is a service that assists clients in falsifying segments of their lives in order to facilitate dishonest and disreputable behavior.

Based upon the website, it would appear that the bulk of their work is done with married men and women who are attempting to conceal an affair, but they also seem to be rather effective at assisting clients in avoiding work commitments, enhancing their image through the falsification of work history, making discreet purchases on the client’s behalf, and providing the documentation needed to avoid embarrassing mistakes.

It’s not the most noble way to make a living, but it’s creative, clever and not illegal.

The website is poorly designed and looks like something from the 1998 version of the Internet, and their slogan (Empowering Real People in the Real World) seems incongruous to the service they offer, but the company has been featured by several mass media outlets and appears fairly reputable.

The website lists 15 specific services, of which I found these 7 especially intriguing:

Need to Hide a Discreet Affair?
Married and looking? We invent, create and provide customized alibis and excuses for attached adults involved in discreet relationships or encounters.

Virtual Hotel Service
Toll free or local virtual hotel number answered by a virtual front desk clerk 24 hours a day. The operator will greet a caller with the appropriate hotel greeting message and will handle the call according to the instructions.

Rescue Call Services
The discreet phone call from us to communicate any information you desire or to help you escape any situations such as dull meetings, bad dates or other unnecessary commitments that need to be cut short or cancelled.

Virtual Doctor’s Office / Doctor Excuses Notes
Looking for a doctors excuse note to get away? Supported by the local virtual doctor’s office phone number anywhere in the world? Your doctors excuses notes are only a click away.

Virtual Seminar/Training:
We offer a solid and a carefully constructed 2 to 5 days alibi and excuse package for our clients who are comfortable with the idea of going to a training/seminar and need an excuse to get out of town for a discreet affair.

Virtual Employment
Are you embarrassed to be unemployed? Do you have a critical life situation that requires you to have a job? Would you like to create an impression that you have your dream job? With your own virtual office, executive assistant and business cards?

Fake Novelties
Are you embarrassed to admit you missed the show? We provide fake tickets for past events, fake receipts, fake confirmations and many other novelty items for pranks and practical jokes.