I avoid most video games.
I do not load games onto my phone.
I have never even seen a Facebook game.
As a kid, I spent hours playing the Atari 2600, the Atari 5200, various iterations of the Nintendo gaming system and PC games.
Not to mention the thousands of quarters dropped into arcade games over the years.
For a long time, video games occupied an enormous part of my life.
I’ve written about my gaming life.
I’ve complained about the video games of today.
I even married a gamer of sorts.
I do not regret the time spent playing video games. It was an entertaining and challenging way to spend time with my friends and family.
But today, I have more important things that need to be done. I have goals to accomplish, dreams to fulfill, and a family to support.
Other things have pushed the video games aside.
I still love playing video games and will play with my buddies from time to time, but I have structured my life in such a way that the temptation to play cannot be readily satiated.
No games on my phone. No games on my laptop. No gaming systems in my home.
I have built my life in such a way that except for online poker (when it was legal), I cannot easily access a video game.
But occasionally, the Internet will intervene, breaking through my gaming firewall, introducing me to some online variant of the gaming I once knew and I will become briefly obsessed by a game.
Sometimes it’s even worth my time.
It happened today.
I suggest you give this game a try.