1. Lose 23 pounds, bringing me down to my high school track and field weight.
Down 21 pounds as of this morning. I may be setting a new goal shortly.
2. Do at least 50 100 200 push-ups and 50 100 sit-ups a day.
I did not miss a day in August.
I have also started running for about 30 minutes in the evenings after Clara has gone to bed as well as some barbell work in front of the television.
Though it is not a part of my New Year’s resolution, my string of three straight months without missing a day at the gym was snapped last week by the hurricane, but not by any lack of effort on my part. I went in the morning, but they were closed.
3. Practice the flute for at least an hour a week.
Failed again.
4. Find a wine that I can drink every night or so.
Tried six new wines in August. Elysha surprised me with a night out at a wine bar. I found one wine that was better than the rest, but I did not find one that I especially liked.
5. Complete my fifth novel.
This just got a lot harder. After approaching the halfway point of my next novel, a new idea lodged itself in my head and would not leave. I tried to ignore it but could not. I promised that I would get to it soon, but it refused to bargain. So I have done the unthinkable: With four months to go in 2011, I have put my manuscript aside and begun a new one.
I have a lot of work ahead of me.
6. Complete and submit one children’s book to my agent.
Still done. I will be resubmitting a revised version in September.
7. Complete the book proposal for the non-fiction collaborative project that I began last year.
My photographer blew off our August meeting, and I am a quite upset about this turn of events. I will follow-up with her in September and hopefully get things back on track.
8. Complete an outline for my memoir
Done. The writing of the memoir continues.
9. Convince my sister to write on http://107federalstreet.blogspot.comat least once a week and do the same myself.
She agreed to write. She promised to write. And once again she didn’t write.
10. Drink at least four glasses of water every day.
11. Complete at least one of the three classes required for me to teach English on the high school level.
Good news! I may not be required to complete any coursework. I have registered for the Praxis II test for English in November (which is reportedly the most difficult of all these certification tests), and if I pass, that may be all I need to do.
I must now decide whether or not to study for the test or take it cold.
12. Try liver.
Nope. But I found someone who wants to try it with me!
13. Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.
Nope. And sadly, I did not win the short story contest.
I am currently working on an article for The Millions, an online magazine offering coverage on books, arts, and culture.
I am also submitting a column idea and sample piece to McSweeney’s, a very popular literature and humor website.
I may also repackage a blog post in the form of an editorial and shop it around.
14. Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.
Done. As the winner of my StorySlam, I compete in the Moth’s GrandSlam event in October as well. Details to follow.
15. See our rock opera (The Clowns) performed on stage as a full production or in a dramatic reading format.
Our dramatic reading is scheduled for November 5 and 6. You can read all about it on the theater’s website by clicking here.
16. Organize my basement.
Progress continues, but a full day will probably be required to complete the job. Perhaps over December break if I can’t get to it sooner.
17. Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach or professional best man business.
18. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.
Still waiting on the funding.
19. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.
Still waiting on the funding.
20. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.
No poker in August. I remain stuck on a little less than 25% of a mortgage payment so far.
21. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.