Resolution update: July 2011

It was a big month for me, and while these resolution posts are probably the least-read posts on my blog, they are some of my favorites, especially after a good month. 

Two difficult resolutions were accomplished this month, and progress on many others continues at a steady clip. 

1.  Lose 23 pounds, bringing me down to my high school track and field weight.

Down 19 pounds as of this morning.  This goal is within my grasp. 

2.  Do at least 50 100 200 push-ups and 50 100 sit-ups a day.

I missed four days in July.  An all-day and most-of-the-night trip to NYC kept me from push-ups and sit-ups on one day, as did two weddings and a sore elbow on three others.

In my defense, I am routinely doing well over 200 push-ups a day, now, so those four missed days were more than made up for in the push-up department. 

However, I’m still only doing 100 sit-ups a day.  They are decidedly less fun. 

3.  Practice the flute for at least an hour a week.

No practice.  I’m ashamed of myself. 

4.  Find a wine that I can drink every night or so.

Tried one new wine in July.  Did not like.   

5.  Complete my fifth novel.

Not much happened with the new book in July, as my agent was reviewing it and I was editing MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND and working on a couple other writing projects.  But the manuscript is back in hand and the revisions for MEMOIRS are done.  As my agent would say, onward!

6.  Complete and submit one children’s book to my agent.

Still done.  And this month I revised the story in accordance with the children’s book agent’s recommendations.  I meet with my children’s writing group next week, and after I get some final feedback, I’ll send it back to the agent with my fingers crossed.

To be honest, I did not like the suggestions that the agent gave me at first, and it was only through meeting with my writing group that ideas on how to accommodate her suggestions arose.  As a result, it’s a much better book.

See?  What the hell do I know? 

7.  Complete the book proposal for the non-fiction collaborative project that I began last year.

I have a meeting this month with a photographer to begin work on this project.      

8.  Complete an outline for my memoir

Done.  I have moved into the writing portion of this process.  It has become a book dealing with productivity, but it also includes a great deal about my own life as well.  I’m excited about it.   

9.  Convince my sister to write on at least once a week and do the same myself.

She agreed to write.  She promised to write. And then she didn’t write. 

10.  Drink at least four glasses of water every day.

Done, though it turns out that the science behind this is questionable

Nonexistent actually. 

11.  Complete at least one of the three classes required for me to teach English on the high school level.

I submitted my application to the State Department of Education yesterday.  Now I await their response.  Hoping that the bureaucratic wheels don’t grind too slowly.  They will inform me of what classes I need to take in order to teach high school. 

12.  Try liver.


13.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

Nope.  But I entered a short story into a contest sponsored by a literary magazine upon the suggestion of my editor.  She was also kind enough to edit it for me.  So my fingers are crossed on that front as nothing happens on this actual resolution front.  

14.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

Done!  I went, I told my story, and I won!  I will be participating in The Moth’s GrandSlam competition in September!  Date and time TBD. 

15. See our rock opera (The Clowns) performed on stage as a full production or in a dramatic reading format.

Our dramatic reading at the local playhouse is scheduled for November 5 and 6.

16.  Organize my basement.

Progress continues at an excellent pace.

17.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach or professional best man business.

Done!  I have my first paying client!  A regular reader of this blog decided to work with me in order to achieve his goals, and we meet for the first time in August.  I am very excited about this and think that it will be a productive and meaningful partnership.   

18. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Still waiting on the funding.

19. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Still waiting on the funding.

20. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

No poker in July. I remain stuck on a little less than 25% of a mortgage payment so far.

21. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.

Done.  One day early, baby!

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