Ten Word Wiki is a spinoff of Wikipedia with one important distinction: All entries must consist of exactly ten letters. The results are often amusing and sometimes quite profound. The site has become my newest time-waster, so click at your own risk.
I’m completely obsessed with it.
And I’ve even submitted my own 10 Word Wiki entry, which can be found on the site. It is:
Project Runway: Heidi Klum making everyone else look like flat, boring nobodies.
Here is a list of ten recent favorites as well:
Bumper sticker. Literal translation: Caution, I drive like a twat.
Ten Commandments: Ten rules of life from God. Such a spoil sport.
Book: Bundles of wood pulp and pictures/words; doesn’t need batteries.
Lance Armstrong: inspirational uni-testicled cycling legend. Singlehandedly invented the rubber wristband industry.
Lost (television series): It’s about time travel, fate, good/evil, heaven/hell … maybe
Nothing: Nothing would be this page if you removed 10 words.
Sarah Palin: Failed Vice Presidential candidate. Made stupidity popular again post-W.
Tim Burton: Helena Bonham-Carter’s employer. Takes the cowbell approach with Gothic themes.
Intelligent: High knowledge base. Can be sexy/nerdy depending on knowledge.
Tiger Woods: World’s greatest golfer. Plays a round, and then plays around.