When I am finished writing a post on this blog, many things happen. 

First, I reference the post in my Twitter feed, in order to drive readers to my blog. 

That Twitter post feeds into my Facebook profile as a status update, driving still more readers to my blog. 

At the same time, the post is also popping up on my Amazon.com author’s page as well as in my Goodreads.com profile.

It also appears on my Android app and on several lesser known sites. 

That is what happened to yesterday’s post on coffee, entitled Simplicity

Since posting here is what happened:

I received emails from three readers who wanted to share their own coffee stories with me. 

Two people commented on the story in Facebook.

The tweet that referenced the post was re-tweeted twice, and I received a direct message through Twitter about it as well from still another reader.

One person commented on the post on the Goodreads site and one person emailed me about it via Goodreads.

One person posted a comment on the actual blog.   

See what happened?  If all of these people had actually come to my blog and posted their comment in the original post, there would be at least a dozen comments on a the blog right now and conversation on the topic would have likely ensured. 

Instead, the comments were fragmented across several platforms, so the only conversations that were taking place were one-on-one discussions with me.

And this happens every day, with every post that I write. 

What should I do?  Twitter, Facebook and the rest all drive traffic to my blog and increase my readership, but at the same time, the use of these platforms segments my audience, keeping them from interacting with one another and forming as community. 


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