19 things that bother me… and perhaps should not

  1. Watching people play games on their phones
  2. Listening to people talk about coffee as if it were somehow an interesting or entertaining subject
  3. Color coding simply for the sake of color coding
  4. Adults who run meetings as if the attendees are children
  5. Administrators who no longer do the job but pretend like they still know the job
  6. Parents who can’t hear their children’s questions because they’re too busy staring at their phones
  7. Presentations that needlessly have more than one presenter
  8. The glorification of alcohol consumption
  9. Drivers who won’t turn right on red when it’s not allowed but clearly okay
  10. People who find a restroom door locked but knock on the door anyway
  11. Children eating grapes
  12. Watching people purchase lottery tickets
  13. Living as a left-handed person in a world exclusively designed for right-handers
  14. Listening to adults threaten consequences to children that will never happen
  15. Shoppers who move through a grocery store as if it’s the place to be
  16. Anyone who uses BCC
  17. The inefficiency of a Little League practice
  18. Paperwork that is required but clearly unnecessary
  19. Complainers without solutions