Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend

Budo is lucky as imaginary friends go. He’s been alive for more than five years, which is positively ancient in the world of imaginary friends. But Budo feels his age and thinks constantly of the day when eight-year-old Max Delaney will stop believing in him. When that happens, Budo will disappear. Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend is a triumph of courage and imagination that touches on the truths of life, love, and friendship as it races to a heartwarming . . . and heartbreaking conclusion.

Book Reviews

I Could Not Put This One Down!

This unusual story line kept me guessing. As I read this book, I wondered what would happen to the main character, Martin. His obsessively structured life collides with the unpredictable lives of his “clients”. This creates a fast-moving and interesting plot.

— Nan Warner, Amazon Customer Review of Something Missing

Pure Gold.

“Matthew Dicks is an amazing human (no, I don’t know him personally – I’ve never even met him). This book is so good that you will feel like you just spent time with a good friend. If you want to achieve more in ANY aspect of your life – listen to what this man has to say.”

— Amazon Customer Review of Someday is Today

One of the best books I’ve ever read.

“Inspiring, tactical, and memorable. Loved learning about the art of storytelling and hitting a glimpse into Matthew’s world. Excited to start practicing my storytelling craft.”

— Andrew, Amazon Customer Review of Storyworthy