First Twinkies return to the shelves. Now this.
Cola-flavored wine. It’s a thing. At last. I may have found my wine of choice. Tasty (I hope). Utterly unpretentious. Potentially annoying to wine connoisseurs. A perfect combination of goodness.
Cola-flavored wine. It’s a thing. At last. I may have found my wine of choice. Tasty (I hope). Utterly unpretentious. Potentially annoying to wine connoisseurs. A perfect combination of goodness.
I’ve had a few readers (mostly in New York) ask about events where I’ll be speaking next, so I thought I’d share a list here. This is my speaking schedule…
On Tuesday night I told a story at a Moth StorySLAM at Housing Works in New York City and was fortunate enough to win. On Facebook and Twitter, I expressed…
I threw away my bathrobe today. I never wore it. I never found a single moment to wear it in the five years I owned it. This is not to…
When my daughter was a baby and not speaking, my wife and I taught her to use sign language for several words, including “More.” “More” is supposed to be signed…
I don’t support the death penalty because I think it’s barbaric, but more importantly, it endangers the lives of innocent people. Human beings are fallible. The justice system makes mistakes.…
Please mark your calendars! Again! Our next Speak Up storytelling event is on Saturday, September 28 at 7:00 PM at Real Art Ways in Hartford, CT. The theme of the…
My daughter spent about 15 minutes this morning looking for Bear before finding him (or her) in the bottom of the toy box. “I don’t want Mom to know I…
Though my most recent novel, MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND, is published in England (and doing quite well), I’ve never had the pleasure of visiting the country. But it has…
As I was driving my four year-old daughter to preschool, she revealed that her two favorite insects are butterflies and tarantulas. I know. She explained that she loves butterflies…